Convolution of Informatics and Biomedical Sciences On Glocal Alliances, CIBoG | WISE Program (Doctoral Program for World-leading Innovative & Smart Education), Nagoya University

Yoichi Nakagawa


School Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Department/Division Pediatric Surgery

Efforts to put AI to practical use in the field of pediatric medicine have lagged far behind. Pediatric surgical care involves many rare congenital malformations, and AI-assisted technology that can provide optimal treatment for each individual is highly anticipated by both patients and medical professionals in the field of pediatric medicine. I felt that the research I am currently involved in, "Practical application of AI diagnosis for accurate pathological diagnosis of Hirschsprung's disease and related diseases by anyone anywhere," is exactly the kind of research that will form the foundation of society that this program is aiming for. This research can contribute to selecting appropriate treatment for each individual through AI diagnosis, and to enable children to engage in activities in their daily lives without difficulty. In addition, by collaborating with other fields and applying the unique AI diagnosis technology created in this research, it will be possible to contribute to improving the life and functional prognosis of patients with not only this disease but also other rare diseases. Our hope for the future is to integrate each highly specialized field to achieve clinical development with a high degree of accuracy.